Stay up to date on important information about Elk Creek Fire Protection District and Unification with Conifer Fire.
Conifer Fire and the Benefits of Unification
Please take the time to watch this news story about the Conifer Fire Protection District (CFPD). It perfectly illustrates the advantages of Unification, displaying how CFPD can deploy more resources more quickly in response to emergency calls.
Colorado Fire District Challenges
Other Fire Protection Districts face the same challenges as Elk Creek FPD.
Canyon Courier Article - Local Volunteer Shortage
The same volunteer shortage plaguing Elk Creek FPD is also impacting other organizations.
Canyon Courier Article - Al Leo on Unification
Al Leo's thoughts about Unification.
Canyon Courier Article - Clarifying Unification
A current Elk Creek FPD Board Director provides facts about Unification.
Canyon Courier Article - Firefighter Support for Unification
Conifer-area firefighters strongly support Unification of Elk Creek, Inter-Canyon, and North Fork FPDs into the Conifer Fire Protection District.
Denver7 - Local Fire Agencies - Firefighter Shortages in Colorado
Another example of local Fire Protection Districts needing to address staffing shortages. We aren't alone in these challenges.